Serra International Convention – June 22-25

22 Jun 2017 - 25 Jun 2017 | 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Place : Rome, Italy
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Ever thought of becoming a member of Serra International?    In 1935, a small group of lay people in Seattle, USA decided to form an organization to promote and foster vocations to the priesthood and other consecrated religious life. They chose Father Junipero Serra, the great missionary, as their patron and named the organization SERRA Club of Seattle.

Serra Clubs work with their Bishops, Dioceses and Religious Vocation Directors to encourage and support vocations to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life.

Serrans pray daily for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life and for the perseverance of existing vocations. They encourage others through the “31 Prayer Clubs” to attend an extra Mass each month for vocations and to pray, also, for vocations daily.

Other activities include arranging speakers on topics of importance for Catholics, vocations essay competition for youth, appreciation dinners for Priests and Religious and support for retired priests.

Serrans are lay Catholics – men and women of all ages and from all walks of life: lawyers, doctors, accountants, business people, nurses, engineers, sales people, clerks, retirees etc., all dedicated to promote and foster vocations.

Serra’s 75 International Convention is happening in Rome, June 22-25, 2017.  All Serrans are invited!