“Jesus leads us by the Spirit into desert for 40 days of Lent to help us realize how blessed we are.”

This is a video interview of Father Mark Bristol of St. Anastasia Parish in Douglaston, New York.  The video was recorded shortly after Father Bristol’s ordination in 2016.  Recently the video aired on NET TV in New York.  Father wants to share the interview with you.

In March, 2017, Father Bristol says, ” This is my first Lent as a priest and I am grateful to God for you and the ways God has used you to minister to me in and through the deserts of my life. I pray the Holy Spirit will minister to you as well, giving you the grace and strength you need to rise up with a renewed hope this coming Easter.”

You can watch in the interview that aired in NYC.  It is now on YouTube here. (Click the icon on the right.)